Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Life Project

The My Life Project was a very exciting project because I found pictures, that if it wasn't for this project i probably never would have found otherwise. This project also helped me to perfect my skill at using iMovie, and researching information from 1996. This project was probably the hardest project we have had to complete this trimester.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Genome Project

The Music Genome project was a fun project because I got to use one of my favorite genres of music, hip-hop. I also got to get a lot of experience using iMovie and Garage Band. I used Garage Band to cut the songs down to a certain size and pick certain clips of the songs to play. I used iMovie to cut the video down to size and to place it in the final project. I think that the best part of the project was definitely when we all got to present our individual projects in front of the class.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Imovie post

Our dodge ball project has come together very well in such a short time, really the only reason why we weren’t done sooner is just because we were not able to get our dodge ball filmed sooner because we planned on filming it a week earlier but for reasons unknown, we placed on a Wednesday instead of a Friday. And we were not aware of the switch in dates for dodge ball until that day, but we were able to film it the following week. We received an A on this project and I hope to keep this streak of receiving A’s on projects in this class. 

storyboard blog

The storyboard was basically an outline of what the final project will be for our dodge ball presentation. I can't wait to film one of our dodge ball matches to put it on the presentation so that we can see ourselves on camera. Because I have never seen myself play dodge ball before, only football, soccer, and basketball. But I think that making an outline, or a rough draft of our project really gave us a better perspective on what this will turn out to be.  But even though it may seem easy now, we still must work hard and together to get this project done. 

Podcast blog

The podcast project was a project that I thoroughly enjoyed because I got the chance to look up pictures and commentary from one of my favorite movies of all time, 300. The summary for 300 was quite easy to do since I have had the pleasure of watching that movie at least a good four, maybe even five times. So I had a pretty well understanding of the movie already.  This was probably the third time that I had ever used Garage Band, but it definitely will not be the last time since after this project we have the project about a sport here at Notre Dame coming up. 

iPhoto name project

I thought that using iPhoto to make slides of our names being spelt out was a fun and creative way to learn how to better control the application called iPhoto. I thought that it was nice having a chance to see all of the different forms of letters that can be, and are, formed in nature, especially the letter “a” as well as the letter “m”.  Luckily iPhoto was an application that I had used prior to this project so it was not extremely difficult to use. Now I actually use iPhoto quite a lot so that extra experience I received by doing this project really helped me out. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

charity post

I thought that making a paintball event for charity would definitely be a good idea since people like paintball, and people are much more likely to pay for paintball if they know it is going to a charity donation. The only thing that I wish was that this charity event could have been real, because it hopefully would have raised a lot of money, and charities need all of the money that they can get because they basically live off of donations from regular ordinary people as well as other organizations. But at least I know how to use yet another application on my Mac Book. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Group Project

The group project on dodgeball was very fun. Although we may not have had the best time management, we still got the work done and did a pretty good job at it. We also had fun and made better friendships in doing so. I think what made this project so much fun was the topic, dodgeball, and the people in our group. Even though some people did more work than others, we all contributed, no matter how small. I think that we will continue to be a good group and produce a good end result. I think all of us would agree that this was a fun experience.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Doss m&m project

I thought this project was fun since it involved candy, and eating candy. I was surprised to find out how many m&ms are in a package of m&ms, and by how much the colors differ in amount. For this project we made a pie graph based off of the information we gathered and put into a table. The information on the table was about how many m&ms were in a bag, how many of each color was in the bag, and the average of the totals of colors and total amount of m&ms in the bag. This was a great project.

Monday, March 14, 2011

first blog

In this intermediate technology applications class, I hope to learn how to use some of the multiple different applications that are on my macbook. Like photoshop, imovie, and garageband. I want to learn how to use these things because it will make projects a lot easier since I will have a more efficient way of presenting my material. This will result in me getting better grades and making more creative projects. I would say that tech apps is probably one of the most important classes that I will have the pleasure of taking this trimester. Because I use my laptop in every class, it would be a good thing to know how to use it.