Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Doss m&m project

I thought this project was fun since it involved candy, and eating candy. I was surprised to find out how many m&ms are in a package of m&ms, and by how much the colors differ in amount. For this project we made a pie graph based off of the information we gathered and put into a table. The information on the table was about how many m&ms were in a bag, how many of each color was in the bag, and the average of the totals of colors and total amount of m&ms in the bag. This was a great project.

Monday, March 14, 2011

first blog

In this intermediate technology applications class, I hope to learn how to use some of the multiple different applications that are on my macbook. Like photoshop, imovie, and garageband. I want to learn how to use these things because it will make projects a lot easier since I will have a more efficient way of presenting my material. This will result in me getting better grades and making more creative projects. I would say that tech apps is probably one of the most important classes that I will have the pleasure of taking this trimester. Because I use my laptop in every class, it would be a good thing to know how to use it.